Previously I have completed the following key courses:
Electrical Engineering
- Wireless Communications (EE670A)
- Electromagnetic Theory (EE340)
- Power Electronics (EE360)
- Machine Learning for Wireless Communication (EE698Z)
- Machine Learning for Signal Processing (EE603A)
- Signals and Systems (EE200)
- Microelectronics (EE210)
- Introduction to Electronics (ESC201)
- Introduction to Electrical Engineering (ESO203)
- Control Systems Analysis (EE250)
- Digital Electronics (EE370)
- Principles of Communications (EE320)
- Basics of Modern Control System (EE650)
- Power Systems (EE330)
- Electrical Engineering Lab-1 (EE380A)
Mathematics and Statistics
- Bayesian Analysis (MTH535)
- Probability and Statistics (MSO201)
- Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations (MTH102)
- Real Analysis and Mutlivariate Calculus (MTH101)
- Partial Differential Equations (MSO203)
- Complex Analysis (MSO202)
- Data Strucutre and Algorithms (ESO207)
- Quantum Computing (CHM696A)
- Introduction to Programming (ESC101)
- Quantum Mechanics (PSO201)
These are the courses which I completed online:
- Bayesian Methods in Machine Learning (Coursera)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (Coursera)